News Blog

Schoolapalooza Update

Schoolapalooza Update


The plans for Schoolapalooza 2015 are coming together nicely!  Here are some highlights: We have ordered 1200 backpacks for this years community event! Word of Life is bringing all of their toys including horses and lots of bouncy things!

Don't forget to spread the word......

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Hunger Strike Report Back

Hunger Strike Report Back


When given the opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ to the community around us, our youth excel! They willingly give up food for 30 hours to concentrate on the needs of others, and focus on the Word of God- and their lives are changed by it! Teens walk away with a greater sense of appreciation for all they have and hearts touched by a call...

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The Hunger Strike to raise money for the Open Door Mission, Hope for Kenya & Schoolapalooza started this morning at 7:30am.  We will be fasting for 30 hours for this great cause. Over 50 kids will join together this evening for Fun, Games, Fellowship, Worship, Fasting & Prayer in an effort to make a difference in pover...

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Hunger Strike!

Hunger Strike!


We are changing things up a little this year for our famine event.  Our local youth will be raising money to help the hungry and needy in our community and around the world. Money raised will go to benefit the Open Door Mission of Glens Falls, Hope for Kenya, and our own Schoolapalooza event. During this 30 hour fast we will be enjoying games ...

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Thank you to everyone who participated in Converge Youth's first annual Schoolapalooza event!  It was so exciting to see our community come together at this event.  So many good things happened that night.  People made connections, kids had a great time with their families and friends, and many of you left blessed with needed school ...

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What is Converge?


We are excited to anouce that the greater Glens Falls area youth groups that have been meeting together for over 2 years,  now have a name!  We are CONVERGE! As seperate youth groups, we converge to form one body to serve Christ!...

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